Protecting Inventions

Legal Advice on Patents

Contact us

If you are developing an invention or bringing a new product to market, we can help you. We provide our clients with practical advice and assistance on all matters regarding patents.

Contact our office to arrange a consultation. 

Protect Your Intellectual Property

We are here to help you protect your invention, not to disclose your secrets. Attorneys are required by law to protect the confidential information of their clients. We take this responsibility seriously.

Please note that we do not issue “Certificates of Confidentiality” as we believe they are unnecessary and merely serve to confuse the public. The simple truth is that an attorney who improperly discloses a client’s confidential information may lose their license to practice law, lose the privilege of practicing before the United States Patent & Trademark Office, and may face other severe penalties.

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General Advice on Patents

We advise clients not to demonstrate, sell, offer to sell, or show their invention(s) to the public until they have consulted with legal counsel. After a certain period of time, a public display, use or offer to sell your product may compromise your ability to patent your product. There is a significant difference between experimental use and public use of an invention.

Please be wary of companies who target inventors and offer promotional services. Study any offers with great care and skepticism.

It may be beneficial to register for a patent application before showing your product to potential investors or manufacturers. It is easier and more professional to show a product as “patent pending” rather than having to ask people to sign and honor non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

Contact our law office in California for representation and advice

regarding patents.

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